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Sunday, June 25, 2006

The Tales and Thrills of eBay Drop-shipping Dealers

eBay Seller

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After giving much thought in producing a productive and useful article on eBay, I came up with this. Hope you find what you need about eBay in it.

The Tales and Thrills of eBay Drop-shipping Dealers

Have you ever heard of eBay drop shipping? If not then prepare to be impressed because for some of you it may sound like an eBay seller’s dream. You don’t need to keep any stock at all with drop shipping. You basically list auctions for what the drop shipper is selling and you actually don’t even see the merchandise yourself

Some people think that some of this type of information about eBay is false. However, believe us when we say all that is written here is accurate and true!

As they say failure is the stepping stone to success. Thus, if you fail to understand this article on eBay the first time you read it, please don’t worry. Read it over a few times and you will surely get its meaning eventually.

When something your advertising sells, you inform your vendor, and they deliver it for you – straight to the customer. The price they’ll charge you will be very close to the wholesale price for the item they delivered. Then you charge the customer the retail price you both agreed on and then you profit by pocketing the difference.

The Thrills and Magic

EBay plays a very prominent position in this composition. For this prominence, people should take the time to get to know more about eBay and the role it plays.

By utilizing eBay in the appropriate manner you can avoid a heck of a lot when selling on eBay. You don’t need to set a side extra room in your residence and you don’t need to have the money to buy it with either. You don’t need to take big risks by buying items that might not sell very well. You don’t have to work with suppliers. You don’t even have to pack or post the auctions yourself. Isn’t that incredible! Just imagine how amazing this would be if you could pull it all off?

But, as with all things in life, if it sounds too good to be true…

The Tall Tales and Myths

If you’ve had any experience at all working with drop ship wholesalers then you might already be aware of the lies and corruption some unscrupulous people will try and tempt you with.

Drop-shippers don’t necessarily do deals with just anybody. If you come across a drop shipper who says they’ll take orders from unregistered businesses is most likely to be a scam artist. They might send out very poor quality merchandise that your customer will return to you for a refund, or they might not send out anything at all.

Also, be cautious of companies that announce they’ll charge you a fee for contacting drop shippers. This is undoubtedly a rip-off. The safest and most reliable way to find drop shipping companies is to contact them in the ‘real world’ and not by typing ‘drop shipping’ into a search engine.

The Real Deal

If you’re just starting out be prepared to make quite a small profit with drop-shippers. You’re not going to make sales on eBay at a big mark-up from drop shipping prices. In addition, you will need to acknowledge that you can’t examine stock before it gets sent out, and some of your descriptions might not be as factual as you had hoped.

Another important point to bear in mind is your drop shipper’s work ethic and people skills may not be the same as yours and this can be very frustrating at times. When one of your customers informs you that their product is a week late you just may be hearing that ugly news for the first time from a very unhappy former potential life long client of yours.

If you can accept all these issues and find yourself a reputable drop shipper, then there’s definitely good money to be made. Best of luck and remember to read this article again to help digest all of the important points.

eBay Seller