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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Starting Out On Ebay - By Kelly Smyrk

When starting out on eBay you may have dreams of quick riches and time spent relaxing by the pool. You would be wrong.

Sellers come and go, but few make it into the money. Why? Because they give up before they make any money. Learning how to sell on eBay can be a long process of trial and error. But when you get it right it can be one of the best and most rewarding times you will experience. Not having to worry if you are selling more than what your fee's will be, relaxing that you wont need to juggle your time around work, kids, home and eBay is one of the best feelings around.

On eBay I sell ebooks, lots of people love them and some hate them, no matter what your view, they sell - and sell well.

So what is an ebook? An electronic version of a hard back book that is sent out via your computer. No postage and packing problems and something that you can resell time and time again. Because it is not in physical form, the price is lower than what you would be charged in a shop. The information that it contains is just as valuable though. eBooks contain information from such a wide variety of subjects that it would be impossible to list them all. But if you want to know about a subject then you can bet there is an ebook out there about it.

If you can find a subject that has not been written about and is a popular one then you could make some serious money.

People who want to break into the eBay market with ebooks often fail. You can search eBay now and find thousands of different sellers selling thousands of different ebooks, but half of those sellers will be gone next month. People have a belief that ebooks will make them money and fast. For a few they might just get it right first time round. But the whole process can take time and lots of it to set up. However, once it's set up (if done correctly) it becomes a very simple and easy way to make a very nice second income.

Once you have it all up and running smoothly you can then start to expand your business and take it to a whole new level. This is when you can make a choice - Keep it as a second income or start to work on it full time and give up that boring 9-5. This is exactly what I did last year. I NEW there was money to make on eBay, I just needed to find out how.

I was that confident that I could make money that I discussed throwing in my 9-5 with my partner and although he was sceptical he supported me. So I spent about four months purchasing nearly every ebook and guide on eBay and read them. Most just repeated what the last had said, some had some extra little piece of information in it, some just contained utter rubbish. But I stuck with it and soaked up ever piece of information that I could.

Now I am running away with myself on eBay and loving every minute of it. I work maybe a five hour day and choose the hours. I feel that I made a great choice and wouldn't change it. I don't advise everyone do what I did, but if you can go for it and give it everything you have.

If anyone wants to get involved and ask any questions then please feel free to contact me.

See you on eBay soon.


Article Source: EzineArticles.com


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